• Last Update 2024-09-02 14:49:00

Horana rubber factory accident; owner remanded after surrendered to Police


The owner of the Horana Rubber Factory, where five workers were killed recently was remanded until May 11 by Horana magistrate today.  He surrendered to the police earlier this morning. The factory manager and senior laboratory controller at the rubber factory who were arrested earlier were re-remanded after produced before the courts.   

Meanwhile the Central Environmental Authority (CEA) has also opened a probe over the incident after suspending its license to carry out any further operations by the factory.  

Five people died and over 30 others were hospitalized on April 19 due to an accident at the factory. A worker who was cleaning an ammonia tank at the factory had become unconscious and fallen into the tank. Fellow employees and area residents who tried to save him had also been overcome by the toxic fumes, resulting in four more deaths. 

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