• Last Update 2024-06-29 21:33:00

Indian Envoy meets Ministers of Foreign Relations and Fisheries to discuss Indian fishermen poaching in Lankan waters


High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka Gopal Baglay met Minister of Foreign Relations Dinesh Gunawardena and the Minister of Fisheries Douglas Devanada at the Ministry of Foreign Relations today to discuss the illegal poaching issue of Indian fishermen in Lankan territorial waters.

Appreciating the ongoing cooperation between the relevant authorities of the two countries on matters related to fishermen. High Commissioner Baglay pointed out that such cooperation had saved the precious lives of fishermen of both countries at sea, according to a statement issued by Indian High Commission. 

“The High Commissioner thanked the Government of Sri Lanka for the cooperation in returning the mortal remains of Indian fishermen who lost their lives at sea due to inclement weather earlier this year.  He stressed the need to continue to deal with the matters related to fishermen and their boats in a humanitarian manner, in accordance with the existing understandings.” 

The High Commissioner also highlighted concrete steps taken by both the Government India and the State Government of Tamil Nadu in addressing all dimensions of the issue and specifically underlined Government of India’s ongoing measures to support and encourage Indian fishermen to practise deep sea fishing.

He expressed the hope that the next meeting of the bilateral mechanism on matters pertaining to fishermen could soon be arranged online.

On the proposal for joint management for Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar by Fisheries Minister Hon. Douglas Devananda, the High Commissioner shared that the forward looking elements in the proposal needed to be examined in greater detail.

The High Commissioner responded positively to the request for Government of India assistance in arranging repatriation of about 1500 Sri Lankans stranded mostly in South India due to COVID19 pandemic. The two governments will coordinate the matter through diplomatic channels.


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