• Last Update 2024-09-08 19:18:00

Japan extends Yen 38 billion ODA assistance to Lanka


Japanese Prime Minister offered a Yen 38 million ODA loan to Sri Lanka for water purification projects for Kidney diseases and establishment of electricity transmission lines connecting the entire country.

Prime Minister Abe thanked President Sirisena for raising Asia’s voice and explaining the Asian perspective to the Western nations at the G 7 Outreach Summit in Ise Shima in Japan.

A joined press statement noted that Prime Minister Abe expressed his intention to positively consider the provision of Development Policy Loan (DPL), which supports policy and institutional reform in macro-economic and public financial management, as well as the promotion of the private sector.

"Both leaders recognized the importance of port development in Sri Lanka, as a key hub nation in the Indian Ocean given the rising demand and the rapid growth of the region. President Sirisena expressed his appreciation for the Japanese assistance provided thus far in this respect. Prime Minister Abe stated that Japan would actively continue its cooperation on the development of the Colombo port and its vicinity under the public and private sector cooperation. Prime Minister Abe also expressed his intention to send survey missions to study the needs and the logistics for hub development of the north port of Colombo and its surrounding areas, as well as the development of the port of Trincomalee,"it said.

Prime Minister Abe conveyed Japan’s decision to extend assistance for the development of a master plan of the City of Kandy, which would enable the urban development needs of the ancient city with appropriate consideration for the protection of the cultural heritage. Prime Minister Abe further expressed his intention to send a study mission.

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