• Last Update 2024-07-17 16:41:00

Joint Chinese & SL Army ‘Exercise - Silk Route’ concludes


Sri Lanka Army and People’s Liberation Army of China concluded joint ‘Exercise - Silk Route’ at the Special Forces (SF) Training School at Maduruoya yesterday, a statement from army said. Thw closing ceremony was held with the participation of the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Crishanthe De Silva as the Guest of Honour, HE Yi Xianliang, Ambassador for the People’s Republic of China in Sri Lanka graced the closing ceremony as the Chief Guest. The 43-member group of Chinese military officers, led by Lieutenant Colonel Qi Qiang of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) joined hands together with a similar number from the Sri Lanka Army’s Commando Regiment and Special Forces in the ‘Exercise - Silk Route - 2015’ which began on June 22 after a brief ceremony at the Officer Career Development Centre (OCDC) at Buttala. Organized by Directorate of Training at the Army Headquarters, it was conducted under three phases at Commando Regiment Training School (CRTS), Uva-Kudaoya, Commando Regiment Headquarters, Ganemulla and Special Forces Training School (SFTS) at Maduruoya, focusing largely on weapon handling, VVIP protection study, live firing, lane firing, sniper firing, body protection drills, backup vehicle movement and training, body protection formation, ambush drills, reconnaissance techniques, skill firing, special mission planning, combat tracking techniques, situation training exercise, jungle warfare and basic battle skills, vehicle ambush drills, aircraft and building option training, etc. Commander of the Army at the main entrance to the Special Forces Training School warmly received HE Yi Xianliang, Chinese Ambassador and requested him to have a walk through the demonstration site where the officers in the Exercise presented a string of drills and exercise features. Several stunning mock demonstrations that displayed by way of raids, operations, combat rider skills, motorcade drills, ambushes and other training modules thrilled the spectators before the closing ceremony got underway after playing national anthems of both Sri Lanka and China. "Award of medals and certificates to the participants took place afterwards, headed by the Chief Guest and the Commander of the Army as all eyes remained glued to the achievers in the Exercise." "The first phase of the ‘Exercise - Silk Route - 2015’ was conducted in China earlier this year between March 29 and April 17 with the participation of 42 Commandos and Special Force soldiers from Sri Lanka, following successful negotiations that got underway between both Sri Lankan and Chinese Armies." the statemnt said. Chinaexer_11 Chinaexer_02  

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