• Last Update 2024-06-29 21:33:00

Lankan Navy damages our boats: Indian fishermen


Indian fishermen accused  that the Sri Lankan Navy yesteday allegedly damaged 10 boats of fishermen from Tamil Nadu after pelting bottles and stones on them at the highly sensitive area near their coast in Talaimannar. Rameswaram Fishermen Association President S Emirit said about 300 fishing boats were also chased away from near the Sri Lankan coast. Mannar District Fishermen Association President Albert Justin Goysa said from Talaimannar that the fishermen were fishing in Sri Lankan coast. According to Fisheries Department officials here, the fishermen in Jaffna had appealed to the Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena to take steps to end Indian fishermen fishing very near to their coast. Jaffna Fishermen Association President Anthony Emiliam Pillai had also informed the officials here that the atrocities of the Tamil Nadu fishermen had increased and they were violating IMBL norms and fishing near their coast. (PTI)  

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