• Last Update 2024-07-22 09:03:00

Main suspect in Kalutara prison bus shooting nabbed in India


Two persons, including the main suspect wanted in connection with last February's deadly ambush of a prison bus in Kalutara have been arrested in Chennai, India. 

Reports say that the main suspect in the attack, known as "Angoda Lokka" and one of his associates have been apprehended by Indian officials while they were in possession of forged passports. 

It is suspected that "Angoda Lokka" fled to India via sea soon after the attack on February 27 when gunmen targeted two prison buses from the Kalutara Prison transporting prisoners to the Kaduwela Magistrate's Court. The attack left five prison inmates and two guards dead. 

Notorious underworld leader "Samayan" was among those killed in the attack. Police suspect that "Angoda Lokka" masterminded the ambush with the aim of murdering "Samayan" and other members of his gang as the two rival gangs were engaged in a dispute. 

Indian authorities have reportedly requested more information from their Sri Lankan counterparts regarding the suspects. 

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