• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Meethotamulla to be developed as an urban forest


Cabinet has approved a proposal to develop the Meethotamulla garbage dump as an urban forest once the area has been stabilized. The stabilization process at the disturbed Meethotamulla landfill is expected to be completed within five months. 

The project was listed among a proposal be Cabinet by Megapolis and Western Development Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka regarding long term solutions for the management of municipal solid waste generated in the western region. The proposals were approved at yesterday's Cabinet meeting.  

It has been forecasted that an additional 1300 Metric Tonnes of waste will be added daily in 2030 with implementation of Megapolis Master Plan and Port City Project. Accordingly, the proposal made by Minister Ranawaka to implement the following projects and plans have been approved: 

Take initiatives to stabilize the disturbed landfill at Meethotamulla within 5 months. Develop the area as an urban forest; Give powers to Central Environmental Authority to grant environmental approvals; Encourage public to dispose segregated waste and to transport only segregated waste to designated centres; Start waste disposal and processing centres owned by Local Government Authorities in which more than 50000 families reside; Commence a project to generate electricity from waste; Obtain project proposals from overseas countries through their Foreign Missions regarding the Waste Disposal Project in Aruwakkaru, Puttalam; Transfer the land required for construction of Transfer Station at Kelaniya from Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Corporation (SLLRDC) to the Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development. 

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