• Last Update 2024-09-11 15:45:00

MP Dinesh Gunawardena attempts to remove Mace as UNHRC debate gets underway


Time allocations for the adjournment debate on the UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka led to a rumpus in parliament today with UPFA MP Dinesh Guunawardena attempting to run away with the Mace. The incident led to sittings being suspended abruptly   this afternoon. Rehabilitation, Resettlement and Hind Religious Affairs Minister DM Swaminathan was called by  Presiding Member Majibur Rahuman to address the House at which point UPFA MP  Wimal Weerawansa rose to the   point of order saying that  it was only government members who are being given priority to spoken in the House. The Presiding Member said that he was calling out the names in order in which they are listed and that Mr. Weerawansa s name was the last on the list. As the argument ensued between the Chair and MP Weerawansa, MP Dinesh Gunawardena rushed to the Well of the House and grabbed the Mace. As he was attempting to take it way, Deputy Sejeant-at-arms Narendra Fernando rushed and took it back and placed it back on the allocated place. Several MPs joined the rumpus including Jayantha Samaraweera, Piyal Nishantha, Udaya Gammanpila, Sriyani Wijewickrama, CB Ratnayake, Rohitha Abeygunawardena, Sisira Jayakody and Indika Anuruddha. They shouted that their right to speak in the House had been taken way. Later things settled down and the House reconvened after the brief suspension following which MP Weerawansa addressed the House. Chandani Kirinde

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