• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Navy apprehends a haul of 93kg Cannabis in Jaffna


Navy apprehended two persons along with a haul of 93kg of cannabis which had been attempted to transport to the land by a dinghy, at the Kadeikadu South beach area in Vettalaikerni, Jaffna yesterday, Navy said.

The arrest came as the Navy has been continuing patrols to curb drug smuggling activities through sea routes.  A team of naval personnel attached to the Northern Naval Command on duty in a Coastal Observation Point at the Kadeikadu South beach in coordination with the sailors on duty at Base Radar station-Vettalaikerni had observed a suspicious dinghy and intercepted it while landing. By search of the dinghy, approximately 93kg of cannabis which had been packed in 44 parcels were recovered.

The recovered haul of cannabis, two suspects, dinghy and fishing gear found there, were taken into naval custody. The suspects are 21 and 35 years old residents of Thalayadi.

Further, considering the pandemic threat of coronavirus, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) unit attached to the Northern Naval Area disinfected the apprehended items and suspects in accordance with the standard health guidelines prior handing over to the Excise Station-Sankanai for further investigations and legal proceedings.


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