• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Navy assists yacht distressed by technical fault


A foreign couple who was distressed on a yacht anchored in the seas off Galle due to a technical fault of the vessel while sailing across the Southern seas was assisted with food and drinking water yesterday, Navy said.

Under the curfew situation declared over Sri Lanka to control coronavirus, responding to a request made by a foreign couple who was distressed on a yacht anchored in the seas off Galle due to a technical fault of the vessel, Navy provided them necessary food and drinking water.

Considering a message given to the Navy by this couple who was experiencing a hard time since the inability to get the essential food and drinking water due to curfew situation, under the directives of Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva and on guidance of Commander Southern Naval Area Rear Admiral Kassapa Paul, SL Navy provided required food items and drinking water to this foreign yacht by a Inshore Patrol Craft following all safety precautions.

The couple who was spending a crucial time without food and water, paid their gratitude to the Navy for timely involvement to assist in their hour of need.


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