• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

Navy seizes over half a ton of Kerala cannabis in four weeks



The Navy has  seized over half a ton of Kerala cannabis through its  operations conducted across the island in the last four weeks.

The Sri Lanka Navy has seized about 535kg of Kerala cannabis, during  naval operations carried out across the country from 01st January to 01st February 2020, the Navy said in a statement.

 Accordingly, the Northern Naval Command has seized about 324kg and 822g of Kerala cannabis and the North Western Naval Command has held about 180kg and 660g of Kerala cannabis. Meanwhile, 14kg and 903g of Kerala cannabis and 13kg and 757g of the same drug have been seized by the Southern Naval Command and rest of the Naval Commands respectively.

Apart from that, the Navy, has found more than 3.4 tons of Kerala cannabis during the year 2019 and the Navy continues to keep its vigil to curb smuggling of drugs and various other nefarious activities, the Navy said.

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