• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Number of patients at Iranawila COVID-19 treatment centre rises to 9


A further four COVID-19 patients were brought to the Iranawila COVID-19 treatment centre early this morning (15). 

The latest group brings to nine the number of COVID-19 patients brought to the centre for treatment after a group of five patients were brought there as the first batch. 

The latest group of four were confirmed to have been infected with COVID-19 while at the Mulankavil quarantine centre in Kilinochchi. The centre is run by the Sri Lanka Navy. The patients are all residents of Ja-Ela. 

The Iranawila treatment centre was built on the premises which earlier housed the 'Voice of America' relay station. 

Text and Pix by Jude Samantha

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