• Last Update 2024-09-08 19:18:00

Over 1,500 drunk drivers nabbed, 51 killed in accidents during festival season


The police had nabbed more than 1,500 drunk drivers while 51 people were killed in accidents reported during the festive season, the Police Media Unit said. At least 49 fatal accidents have been reported from April 10 to 17.

Police have arrested 1,546 individuals for driving under the influence of alcohol during raids. Police said 222 drunk drivers were nabbed over the past 24 hours.

According to the government information department, majority of the drivers arrested over the past 6 days were motorcyclists amounting to 846. Among the arrested for drunk driving are 475 three wheeler drivers.

During the time period the police have seized 43 Lorries, 68 motor vehicles, 46 vans, 15 buses and 55 other vehicles. Police said the operation will continue over the festive period and urged motorists to refrain from driving under the influence.

The Police launched the special round-the-clock operation covering the entire island to nab drunk drivers on 9th April and it will continue until the end of the Sinhala and Hindu New Year celebrations on 20th April.

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