• Last Update 2024-09-12 18:59:00

Parliament ends abruptly, tense situation over CB Governor debate


Parliament ended abruptly today after disagreement between the government and opposition over a debate on a motion that has been tabled in the House seeking the dismissal of Governor of the Central Bank Arjun Mahendran.
Several Opposition members who are signatories to the motion asked that the debate be allowed today but the government declined to allow it.
Parliament was  suspended twice due to the commotion caused over the issue and Deputy Speaker Chandima Weerakkody who presided decided to adjourn sittings till tomorrow.
Meanwhile the report of the three member Committee that looked into  the Central Bank bond issue was tabled in the House today.
In it the Committee said that a “full scale investigation by a proper government authority is warranted “into the issue.
(Chandani Kirinde)

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