• Last Update 2024-09-12 10:30:00

Pasting of posters and election violence continue


Candidates contesting the upcoming Parliamentary polls  are facing restrictions in campaigning  due to the strict implementation of  election related laws by the Election Department armed with more teeth under the 19th Amendment of the Constitution incorporated recently. Restrictions have been imposed on the putting up of posters and include  the installation of life-sized or smaller cutouts. The use of loudspeakers is confined to meeting grounds. The deployment of vehicles with stickers bearing party symbols, preferential numbers and candidates’ names have also been  restricted. Despite this, supporters of some candidates have ignored such restrictions and continued to put up posters to promote their party symbols and preferential numbers. Meanwhile election officers of the UNP in Mapampe, Galhitiyawa were attacked. Captured here are images from the area new 1 new 2 new 3 DSC02579

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