• Last Update 2024-06-29 21:33:00

President invites China to invest more in Sri Lanka


President Maithripala Sirisena  invited Chinese government as well as private companies to increase investment in Sri Lanka when the Chinese President’s Special Envoy and Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Liu Jianchao called on the President yesterday. Minister Jianchao who is currently on a two-day visit to Sri Lanka said China expected to further enhance the long –standing bilateral relations between the two countries and pledged his country’s continued assistance to Sri Lanka’s development. President Sirisena expressed hope that China would assist Sri Lanka in its development endeavors in the future too. The Chinese Minister extended China’s congratulations to President Sirisena on his election victory and said two main Chinese magazines have reported very positively about President Sirisena’s assumption of high office. President Sirisena recalled with gratitude the assistance by China to Sri Lanka in the past especially commended the support given to Sri Lanka to eradicate terrorism from its soil. During the discussion it was revealed that President Sirisena is scheduled to undertake a state visit to China in late March and during that visit many discussions will be held to further cement existing bilateral relations. Chinese Ambassador in Sri Lanka Mr. Wu Jianghao and several other high level officials accompanied Minister Jianchao during the discussion. Senior Advisor on Foreign Relations to President Dr. Jayantha Dhanapala and Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Chithrangani Wagiswara were also present. B9NTx_tCYAEvkiP

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