• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Security Forces showcase new inventions in Mullaitivu


"Rana Thedha Viskam," an exhibition showcasing new inventions by members of the security forces, was held on June 6 and 7 on the premises of Security Forces Headquarters in Mullaitivu. A book exhibition was also held concurrantly with this exhibition. The exhibition was the brainchild of the Army Commander and was held under the supervision of Mullaitivu Security Forces Headquarters Commander Major General P.U.S. Vithanage. 

Mullaitivu District Secretary Rupawathi Kethiswaran was chief guest at the opening ceremony of this exhibition. 

The exhibition showcased 38 new inventions. Army Headquarters had also sent a committee from Colombo to observe the inventions. 

M.D. Gunasena Publishers had also organized an exhibition of books written in Sinhala, Tamil and English for the benefit of students of the area. 

Over 1000 students attended the exhibition during the two days it was held.

Story and Pix by Romesh Madhusanka

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