• Last Update 2024-06-29 21:33:00

Sri Lankan expat in Saudi dies in car accident


A 10-year-old Saudi boy driving a car in Abha killed a Srilankan expatriate who was crossing the road on Friday, Arab news reported today. The police have taken the boy into custody. The victim, Mohamed Shamsul Zaman from Sri Lanka, worked in a pastry shop in Muhayil, 50 km from the city center. An official from the Sri Lankan Consulate in Jeddah told Arab News that the mission is looking after the interests of the family of Zaman. “We are waiting for the police to complete investigations in order to pursue action for making a claim.” Zaman’s family has given permission for his funeral to be held in the Kingdom. Accordingly arrangements are being made to have the burial in Muhayil.

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