• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Suspended Twitter handle of Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka restored


The Social media microblog site Twitter has restored the official Twitter handle of the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka which was suspended yesterday on the basis that it violated regulations set by the social media site.

Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka said that Twitter suspended the official account of the Embassy, without any specific reason and the Embassy made solemn representation twice, requesting to clarify and correct. “This morning, Twitter replied for a "systematic mistake”, apologized and unsuspended our account,”

The Embassy also said in a statement today that it ‘feels regretful to this “systematic mistake”, and would like to reiterate that the Freedom of Speech ” must be honored, while not be misused to spread groundless, racial or hatred speech, nor be treated with double standards ”.

The Twitter handle @ChinaEmbSL was created recently and was updating continuously on the Chinese government’s relief efforts to the Coronavirus affected countries including Sri Lanka while aggressively countering allegations of the way China handled the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan province.



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