• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Tunnel project to ease Kandy traffic congestion


The Government is to go ahead with a tunnel construction project to ease the severe traffic congestion in Kandy town. Accordingly, it has been proposed to construct a four lane roadway comprised of tunnels along a lotal length of 4.36km and a 1.2km roadway connecting Tennekumbura and Suduhumpola. 

The estimated cost of the project is USD 252.30 million. The Economic Development Cooperation Fund of Korea has agreed to provide financial facilities of USD 199.27 for the project.  

The proposal made by Lakshman Kiriella, Minister of Higher Education and Highways, to implement this project and to authorize the Department of External Resources to negotiate regarding regulations and conditions of the loan, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers this week.

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