• Last Update 2024-07-22 09:03:00

Two faculties at Ruhuna Uni closed over student clashes


Two faculties of the Ruhuna University were temporarily closed down yesterday after a clash between two student groups, the University's Vice-Chancellor Dr. A.M.N. Alagiyawanna stated. 

Accordingly, the Faculties of Humanties and Social Sciences and Management and Finance at the university's Wellamadama Campus have been closed. 

A clash had occurred on Monday night between two student groups inside the university, resulting in two injured students being admitted to the Matara Hospital. 

Dr. Alagiyawanna said that university administration, after discussions, decided to temporarily shut down the two faculties in order to prevent the clashes from escalating and to maintain order in the university. 

However, Tharaka Sandaruwan, President of the University's Student Union, said termed the incident as a minor altercation between students. He said it was unfair that authorities had taken steps to shut down two entire faculties over such a minor incident. 

He further said that the matter between the students had already been settled.

By Krishan Jeewaka Jayaruk

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