• Last Update 2024-09-13 20:57:00

UK Minister Swire positive of new govt's progress


The UK Minister of State of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Hugo Swire who is on his second visit to the island on his official twitter page commented that he was positive of the new government's progress so far. Mr Swire also commented on the social media platform that he was delighted to have met with new PM Ranil Wickremeasinghe and referred to the PM as a 'great friend of the UK'
As part of a broad visit Mr. Swire called on senior ministers including Prime Minister Wickremesinghe to discuss the new government's reform programme and areas of potential co-operation. Mr Swire also discussed the national question and reconciliation with with TNA Parlimentarians  R Sampanthan MP and M. A. Sumanthiran, his twitter page revealed. Minister Swire is today vsisting Jaffna and isa said to meet with Chief Minister Wigneswaran and others. Swire

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