• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Athletics: AIDEX Sports festival on Sunday


AIDEX 2016 the Annual Sports Festival for Amputees who are users of the Jaipur Limb, organized by the Colombo Friend-in-Need Society will be held on Sunday (9) at Prisons grounds in Colombo 8. 

The Public are welcome to participate and is free of charge. 

This year is the 185th Anniversary of the Colombo Friend-in-Need Society. 

Aidex has been held for the last 26 years. 

This festival is very much looked forward to by both the participants and the organizers. 

Over 400 participants have sent in their applications from various parts of the country. 

Among the participants are members of the Forces and civilians who have undergone amputation of Limbs following conflict, traffic accidents, infections especially in diabetic patients and children born with Limb defects. 

The events will be worked off from 9.00am. 

Male and Female bicycle races will be held this year too. 

After the bicycle races are over, 57 Track and Field events will be worked off. 

These will include 100, 200 and 400 metre races, Putt Shot, Long Jump, Discus Throw and Archery. 

As in previous years our supporters will give us the encouragement to continue holding this festival for artificial limb users. 

Ceylon Tea Services Ltd. (Dilmah) provide us with T Shirts and Caps for volunteers and participants. M/s. Perera and Sons, free Breakfast.

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