• Last Update 2024-06-30 23:37:00

Athletics: Senior John Tarbat Championships from next Tuesday


The 86th Sir John Tarbat Schools Senior Athletic Championship will take place from September 13 to 15 at the Mahinda Rajapaksa Sports Complex Diyagama. 

This has been decided by the Sri Lanka Schools Athletics Association. 

350 schools featuring 3,500 athletes will be taking part in this three day event. 

The event will be held in three age categories – Under-16, Under-18 and Under-20 for boys and girls. 

This event will also serve as the final trial for the South Asian Athletic Championship to be held in Lucknow, India from October 19 and 20. 

The Sri Lanka Athletics Association has decided that the performances of the under 20 athletes, boys and girls, will be the deciding factor to select the Sri Lanka team. 

“Uplifting school athletics is one of the key priorities of Sri Lanka Schools Athletic Association and initiatives of this nature cannot be fulfilled without the support of conglomerates like CBL who carries many brands under its belt. We wish to continue this partnership and elevate national level athletics to support all Sri Lankan school athletes.” said N.A.D.R. Hemantha, President of Sri Lanka Schools Athletic Association (SLSAA). 

Ritzbury is sponsoring the event for the fifth successive time. 

“Ritzbury has always been in the forefront in uplifting young athletes of the country, and we are glad to extend our support towards the success of the country’s oldest school athletics championship for the fifth consecutive year. Supporting Sri Lanka’s youth athletes through successful partnerships with the Sri Lanka Schools Athletics Association and other sporting bodies in the country is integrated into CBL’s core CSR ethos,” said Theja Peiris, Group General Manager - Marketing of CBL. 

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