• Last Update 2024-07-19 16:40:00

Rugby: Kandy and Havelocks in Clifford Cup final showdown


The road to the Clifford Cup final was short, but hard –especially for one of the finalists. 

However, Justice has been served and the beast two teams have made it to the final on Sunday (26) at Nittawela. 

Kandy SC has the luxury of playing all their games at their impregnable bastion. 

There was no travelling involved. 

It may sound a harsh, but that is the privilege extended to an eighteen-time league champion. 

Kandy by dint of their standing in local rugby deserves to be talked about first. 

“It is meet and right so to do”. 

The annihilation of the CH was for starters. 

Mid-week they silenced the guns of the CR&FC, who were expected to give more of a fight. 

May be the Red Card to Ratwatte drove the nail into the coffin. 

But, in truth, it was only Kandy who played with purpose, power and punch throughout the eighty minutes. 

They may have snatched forty winks on a couple of occasions in the course of the match. 

Yet, they did it when they were well in front and it didn’t matter. 

Moreover, there was always the feeling that Kandy could pull out all the stops, if need be. 

Udangamuwa, a centre in school, has fitted into the number eight slot seamlessly. 

He is a considerable asset with his powerful play. 

His sturdiness is such that three or four players are needed to bring him down. 

Suhiru Anthony is another roaming forward who always seems to be at hand to finish things off. 

Ganuka Dissanaike and Yaqoob Ali are in the thick of things while Dimitri Wijetunga supplies the power. 

However, it is the back division that has, by large, made the Kandy team the awesome force it is. 

In the last couple of games, centre Gayan Weeraratne has stolen the spotlight away from the celebrated duo of Dharmapala and Ranjan. 

Skipper Roshan Weeraratne mans the supply link well and, just in case he has to be benched, they have a more than adequate replacement in Srinath Sooriyabandara. 

Wily Fazil Marija has slipped into the shadows, as it were and allows the young guns to wreck havoc. 

Thilina Wijesinghe’s kicking form, right now, is poor. 

Four out of eight is not good enough, especially if the opposition has succeeded in keeping pace with the champions. 

Come to think of it, the Havies are in a far worst situation because of the injury to Duleep Perera. 

If the last named has recovered, it would even matters a bit. 

The Havies were not all that impressive in their Clifford Cup opener against the Police. 

But on Thursday (23), they were at their best, and by their sleek performance had induced hope that all is not lost. 

Nishon Perera, the centre, had been the dominant force, running in at least two tries a game.

It will be recalled, that he touched down against Kandy in the earlier game too. 

Chamara Dabare on the wing is also a destructive force. If given an inch, he’s capable of taking a mile. 

Hirantha Perera, who is now straddled with the kicking duties, has been effective, though not spectacular, in his play at number 12. 

He seems to link up well with co-centre Nishon Perera. 

Vimukthi Rahula, who will continue in the starting lineup if Dulaj hasn’t recovered, has shown his paces. 

The number ten Niroshan Fernando had been steady but seems to lack the essential spark of brilliance. 

Kevin Dixon is another young player who has been very impressive in his day. 

Scrum half Sudam Suriyarachchi had caught the eye time and again. 

He scored a dandy try against the Navy. 

The Havies may lack big names in their pack. 

Yet, they have been more than adequate in their play. 

Sudarshana Muthuthanthri’s expertise is, by now well known to all and sundry. 

Skipper Dushmantha Priyadarshana has taken on his due share and has played with quite a bit of spirit. 

Hooker Prasath Madusanka is currently going through a try-famine. 

Sithum Pieris, Shenal Deelaka and Ganidu Lakshan are three other players who have given one hundred percent to the team. 

The Havies lost their earlier games 30-39 in Kandy and11-26 at the Park. 

They need no reminding how tough their task is. 

Has their quiet unobtrusive coach Ronnie Ibrahim something more up his sleeve? 

Not many expect the Park Club to dump the champions. 

Yet, there is no harm in trying. 

A defeat would be par for the course; a win would give the team that over the moon feeling. 

Kandy SC (Probable): Ganuka Dissanayake, Damith Dissanayake, Yaqoob Ali, Suhiru Anthony, Dimitri Wijetunga, Shehan Pathirana, Tharindu Chaturanga, Buvaneka Udangamuwa, Roshan Weeraratne (Capt), Fazil Marija, Vishvamitra Jayasinghe, Gayan Weeraratne, Dhanushka Ranjan, Richard Dharmapala, Thilina Wijesinghe. 
Coach: Sean Wijesinghe. 

Havelocks (Probable): Dushmantha Priyadarshana (Capt), Prasath Madushan, Ashan Darling, Janik Jayasuriya, Sithum Peiris, Ganidu Lakshan, Senal Deelaka, Sudarshana Muthuthanthri, Sudham Suriyarachchi, Niroshan Fernando, Chamara Dabare, Hirantha Perera, Nishon Perera, Vimukthi Rahula, Kevin Dixon. 
Coach: Ronnie Ibrahim

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