Little Hampton in Lanka |
Mega rights issue from Apollo |
The village is astir, with the morning’s routine taking place. The women are sweeping their tiny front-yards. Freshly washed clothes sway in a mild breeze. Dogs sun themselves while toddlers peep out of the doorways of dainty little cottages.
Just another village, or is it? Away from not only the madding crowd but also from the southern coastline..... |
Apollo Hospitals Colombo, which last year changed ownership and management to Sri Lanka Insurance (SLI) from the Indian hospital group, wants to raise a billion rupees from a rights issue this month to take care of rising debt which is also over a billion rupees.The company, which has retained some of its Indian staff after last year’s takeover developments and has now attracted more Sri Lankan medical professionals...
Advertistment |
Meditating Down Under |
New index reflects real inflation... |
About an hour’s drive from Perth in Australia brings us to Serpentine, a quiet hilly suburb where renowned meditation master Ajahn Brahmavamso has his monastery. It’s around ten in the morning and the Thai devotees who had brought the alms spread them out on a table in the alms hall and move out with plates of rice in their hands. |
The release of a new Colombo Consumer Price Index (CCPI) by the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) is expected to more accurately and precisely reflect inflation levels in Sri Lanka. Director of the DCS, D.C.A. Gunawardena, told The Sunday Times FT that no other country in the world used such an outdated index. He explained that the old index was from 1952 and despite approximately six revisions...
Political |
from London |
Battle of Budget: Flashpoint Friday |
Save us please from this doctor piffle |
Lobby |
on Rights |
Bowling blows: Mass arrests of Tamils ..... |
Are Tamils also not citizens of Sri Lanka? |
SUNDAY MUSINGS | S.R. Pathiravithana |
Through the looking glass |
Three killed in Pakistan...... |
Back to square one. Today starts the second Test in a different surface than the one at Asgiriya, but, there are a lot of factors that must be ascertained for the good of the game in Sri Lanka.Yes, Sri Lanka won a memorable Test match which almost went to the wire, but finally by a margin of eighty eight runs.
Three supporters of Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto were killed Saturday when gunmen attacked her party's office in a town in southwestern Pakistan, police said, in the first reported deaths in the current election campaign.
Taking on the Englishmen | Chaminda Vaas |
INTERNATIONAL | Nairobi, Kennya |
It was a pleasure ‘Sir’ |
Giant spitting cobra found in ..... |
 Every now and then, there comes a test match that is remembered for all the right reasons: a little bit of history, a special performance, a great game of cricket and to cap it all, a memorable result. Last week’s first test against England at Asgiriya had it all. |
 A giant spitting cobra, measuring nearly nine feet and carrying enough venom to kill at least 15 people, has been discovered in Kenya, a conservation group said on Friday. |
All in the game |
The defeat of the cholas - Mahawamsa |
A wise man once said, "…She took almost everything from me…
I could have been anyone you see – I wish it was anyone but me.
Nothing but pills and ashes under my skin…".
I'm sorry, I lied. The "wise man" is merely my ex-boyfriend, who was singing a popular Counting Crows' song while being a bit intoxicated. |
With the intention of attacking on two fronts at the same time, the Sinhala troops marched separately. They were to join after the attack. But Prince Kulasekera sensed this and he wanted to stop the two battalions from joining. He organized a huge army and marched the entire army to fight. |
Sri Lankan Wildlife wall Calendar |
A truly unique wall calendar for the year 2008 celebrating Sri Lanka's coveted wildlife is now available for wildlife enthusiasts.The calendar, a collection of 12 outstanding images accompanying the months and dates are the result of two enthusiastic photographers Ifham Raji and Kamil Naleem.The two photographers have portrayed Sri Lankan wildlife at its very best from the all locations in Sri Lanka. |