We are born in this world, live here for some time and leave it. What happens between life and death is in general described as life.
During a lifetime we have to face countless experiences, some of which are joyful and some are not so. Some we look forward to and others we try to avoid.
Stop and ask yourself the following:
Is everyone happy?
What is happiness?
Where does this come from?
Can you touch it?
Is there a deeper happiness that we often miss?
If you are like most, you'll be eager to find out more about these questions. Relax and gently read on.
Nature of happiness
What happiness means to you changes with the state of your mind. When you are asleep and dreaming, happiness is sensed in one way, and when you are awake and occupied, it is sensed in anther way.
When you are with your family and kids, bathing in the sea, walking along a quiet road early in the morning, your experience of happiness may differ. One moment you may be happy and then suddenly feel it has left you. Happiness appears, remains and disappears. How nice would life be if happiness appears often?
Having a reason
Happiness at times is sensed as a pleasant sensation in your body. You eat something you like and your body feels good. You take a hot shower and your body is relaxed. This is a way to happiness and pleasure.
Happiness is felt more in your mind which occurs often due to a reason. You do well at work, get a raise in salary, a promotion, pass an exam, excel in sport, are praised by your boss, build a house, buy a new car, a mobile phone…….. the list can go on.
You get something and you are happy. After some time what made you happy becomes outdated or you get used to it. Then happiness lessens and you seek another that would make you feel happy.
Once you get it, happiness arrives and after a while it disappears. You then look for the next thing that makes you happy. Unknowingly you live expecting to be happy for a reason.
A child is naturally happy
Imagine a small child happily spending time at home. The child is naturally happy and is happy for no reason. Remember how happy you were as a child? With age a child learns and forms concepts, good - bad, gain - loss, praise - shame, and pleasure - pain.
All what happens is compared against these concepts. Is this good or bad? Is he praising me or shaming me? Do I gain by this or do I lose?
The questioning goes on and on. You feel happy about what you perceive to be good, a gain, a praise, and feel bad about the opposite.
As the questioning occupies the mind, the happiness that was ever present disappears and becomes a pleasure you look for.
What if you can have it for no reason?
You can be happy for a reason and happy for no reason as well. The moment you realize that happiness is a nature that resides within you open the gates to release it.
Instead of looking for reasons for unhappiness and causes to be happy, you'll begin to notice the instances that you are simply happy- for no demonstrable cause.
Let go of concepts
When your mind is free of the concepts it becomes lighter, brighter and clearer. A feeling of happiness prevails throughout the day. It is a state beyond happiness and is better described as bliss.
The blissful mind has no concepts. As concepts disappear bliss appears. Bliss appears and disappears for no apparent reason.
Close your eyes gently, and notice what you see, hear and feel. Perhaps you see, hear and feel nothing. Simply witness what happens. There is no good or bad about what occurs in your mind.
They are thoughts only. Accept them as they appear, and allow them to come and allow them to go. Notice the comfort you feel thereafter.
As you notice and let go of the concepts in your mind, a calmness and joy that was not there before will appear. Allow this to emerge and enjoy the magic of happiness.
Looking forward to sharing more on happiness…..
Dr. Priyanga de Zoysa
Best selling author and
Self Improvement Teacher