I refer to the candid and thought-provoking letter from Mr. Lionel Leanage of Ambalangoda (Sunday Times, October 4), titled “Pensioners weary of waiting for the Government to act”.
Of course, we pensioners who retired several years ago are still waiting for some form of rectification of the much discussed pension anomaly.
To be a pensioner means to live in a world of illusion. Hopes are heaped on pensioners before the elections, of course, and then the promises to help them are consigned to oblivion.
The number of ministers and people in authority who have promised to improve the lot of the poor pensioner in this country is legion.
As Mr. Leanage pointed out, we can expect to hear a lot of Chintanaya promises before next year’s elections, but we pensioners know only too well that nothing will happen. We will have to just to grin and bear it in the face of bogus pledges.
There is a ray of hope, however.There is a chance that the learned Minister of Public Administration will do something for the disgracefully neglected pensioners, men and women who have rendered yeoman service to the country.
Let us hope the minister will give us some form of redress before we poor souls get our Call from Above.
Lionel Caldera, Battaramulla |