At a time when a leading sports body is said to be short of cash, one of their top officials has obtained a giant TV screen estimated at Rs. Three and a half Lakhs. This official is reputed to be keeping the pitches used for the sport in top condition. Instead of doing his job outside, what is he doing with this giant TV screen?
Closing ceremony for eight hours
The Sports Festival in Kandy was a big draw but the closing ceremony dragged on for eight hours. The ceremony consisted mainly of speeches by various big wigs. This delayed the work of the press who were pressed for time to meet deadlines. What a let down.
Walls have ears
Then there is the tale of the big shot from a ministry who staggered into a leading hotel and demanded a commission from the hotel management for having put up certain individuals at the hotel. The big wig did not know that even walls have ears and the cat was let out of the bag!
The gift of a super cycle
More news about the Sports Festival: An under 15 girl was awarded a super bicycle which costs around Rs.2, 000. No one grudges the gift but there were other individuals who deserved more. One athlete who won four Gold received only a lap top. The word is that this girl’s mother holds a high post in a ministry and had the clout to manipulate her daughter’s gift. How lucky can some get!
What a price for meals
A junior cricket tournament is now being worked off with great vigour. In the wake of it comes the news that a certain officials has played out a staggering sum of Rupees Four Lakhs which has been given by the official body towards the expense of meals to these youngsters.
Special payments
Special payments have been doled out for two female tea makers at a certain sports body because one of them is reported to be having a special attachment to one of their leading officials. Now the news is that other tea makers too are in line for these special payments because of the special attachment between these two.
Quack!!!!!! Quack!!!!!!!!!!"
The ducks croak all the way " Quack!!!!!!, Quack!!!!!!!!!!" It is not only the puncher but many others who have had the needle prick by Duckie Doc. Includes Athletic Rugby and many other sporting types. All it seems are getting worried as they are seen pulling out of meets or pools.
This man pokes his nose in everything thinks some of the council types at the Oval Ball. He is only an observer for the whistlers they say. But he did really become a whistle blower when he let down his colleague over helping Puttlam. Now the story is backfiring with the colleague on record that he never gave a race chit from Putt and Aththa Patty is laughing all the way.
Bore NEO
The Boat People have taken a team and gone to Core Rea . Most of the Hack Cess boys of SUE flower are playing the game with a Oval Ball for the Boat Team. It is for this that the MERC Sevens had to be postponed and not because the boys had to go to Bore NEO. |