Sharmila Weerasinghe of Donelly was awarded the First Dai Black Belt at the Fei Quand Do Grading Test held at the Multi Hall, Royal College Sports Complex.
A hotly contested ‘free fight’ between Nipuni De Silva and Muzna Mughal of Pakistan in progress at the Grading Test. |
Indian and Pakistan students were amongst those who were at grading test. Members from schools, international schools, organizations, institutions and clubs took part in order to win colours and be graded. The event was sponsored by P. Siva Rama Krishnam of Kelloggs India (Private Ltd) who provided snacks to spectators and participants..
The grading test was conducted by Fei Quando International Head Grandmaster M. Hassem Khalid,of the ‘Way of the Flying Fists Martial Arts’. He was assisted by Deputy Chief Instructor M. Nizky Khalid (Third Dai Black Belt) and senior members N. Hisham Muhummuth (First Dai Black Belt), M. Jennites Perera (1st Dai Black Belt) and S. Bavithran (First Dai Black Belt).
The Guests of Honour were Dr. Jagath Amarasekera (Consultant Epidemiology Unit, Ministry of Health, Dr. Tamara Fernando (Durdens Hospital), Sabir Mughal (Deputy Security Advisor United National Sri Lanka), Ruwan Devika Waidyaratna, Managing Director Hayleys Advantis Ltd.), Mrs. Devika Waidyaratne, Manoj Kumar (General Manager Technology CEAT India), Mrs. Manoj Kumar, Nigat S. Mughal, Mrs Sudarshani Gunaratne (Attorney-At-Law).
Honorary Black Belts were awarded to Dr. Jagath Amarasekera. Dr/ Mrs. Tamara Fernando, Mrs. Nigat S. Mughal.
The Black Belt was conferred on N. Hisham Muhummuth First Dai Black Belt and Sharmila Weerasinghe First Dai Black Belt.
Sharmila Weerasinghe receiving her Black Belt from Grandmaster M. Hassen Khalid |
The following received belts at the Grading Test:
BROWN – N. Fathima Zainub (1), T. Thirusenduran (1), Ranjan Mohan (1), T. Rangatharan (2), Muzna Mughal (2), A Sajeeth Ahamed (4), MC Inrahim Asham (4), Mohammed Yaqub Deane (4), Mohammed Ayub Jazeel (4), Nipun G. Kannangara (4), Kusal C. Kannangara (4).
PURPLE – Nirmalan Abishan, Sharfan Sahabdeen, Shazny Razak, Manju Dhanasiri, Sultan A. Mughal, AZL Arshath.
GREY – M. Jivaadh Mohinudeen, J. Prashanthan, K. Mishanthan, Ramon S. Grero, Adham RAfeek, Nipuni De Silva, MS Navees Faiz, Shehan Saleem, Chanaka J. Gamage.
BLUE – J. Prashanthan, K. Nishanthan, Ramon S. Grero, Adha, Rafeek, Nipuni De Silva, Chanara J. Gamage, A.Yakub Hafeel, RR De Chamitha Navinda, B. Piratheepan, A. Muusa Rusly.
GREEN – RR De Chamith Navinsa, Devaka De Zylva, Nirmalan Arjun, Mohammed Akthar Ismail, Praveen Kulaweera, Mohammed Hisby, Abdullah Hisby, Damien De Silva, A. Samraz Sheriffdeen, Nigel J. Peter, Roston EP Joseph, S. Shwetha Iyer, Roshan De Alwis, P. Sivarama Krishnan, M. Arslan Majeed, Yadesh Waidyaratne, Mohammed Awoon, Vishnu Mohan, MN Mohammed Akram.
ORANGE – RR De Chamitha Navinda, Devaka De Silva, Mohammed Hibsy, Andullah Hibsy, Damien De Zylva, Royston EPJoseph, S. Shwetha Iyer, P. Sivaramakrishnan, Yadesh Waidyaratne, MN Mohammed Akram, M. Fahad Naviz, M. Sulaiman Hafeel, M. Fasly Farees, M. Hashma Hassam, Archit Kartha, Mahdhi Rezvi, Fazarul Abith, Hammaad Shaheek, Pramudith Ranatunga, Prabasith Ranatunga, Mohammed Awoon, Vishnu Mohan, M. Zahran Ameer.