Lanka Lions, a Division I cricket team based in Singapore was adjudged the winner of the Chaophya Park Thailand International Cricket Sixes 2011 which was staged at Harrow International School in Bangkok last weekend. Sadly the final day of the tournament was forced to be cancelled due to the flooding in Thailand.
Through a count-back system under the tournament rules the Lanka Lions became the Cup champions of the Thailand International Sixes, as the Skylarks from Kuwait were awarded the Bowl and Lamma CC from Hong Kong who won the Plate. The Drunker Lions, the second string team of Lanka Lions picked the Shield.
Sixteen teams participated at the Thailand International Sixes which is organized by the Asian Cricket Sixes Tour in conjunction with the Southerners Cricket Club.
Lanka Lions is a leading Division I cricket team from Singapore which has won the top league title since 2008. The club was formed in 2006 and they won the Division II championship in 2007. Since then they have continuously won the Division I cricket title of Singapore.
They are also the reigning Twenty20 champions. The team mainly comprises players from Sri Lanka in addition to a few national players of Singapore and Malaysia. The club however is said to lack a ground, a club house or a membership base but are leaders in cricket in Singapore next to Singapore Cricket Club and Ceylon Sports Club – two of the oldest cricket playing clubs in the country.