Every year, over 30000 students across India and Sri Lanka, make their way to Campus Abroad offices in the respective country. Their eyes shine bright, with the promise of an International education as it’s potential for their future. Two and a half decades ago, Campus-Abroad sensed that dream, and has been a medium to it 8000 times over.
Campus-Abroad is India’s first Overseas Education Counselling & Promotion organisation. Established in 1978, Campus-Abroad is the realised vision of one Man: Dr. C. B. Paul Chellakumar. Campus-Abroad’s mission is to impart high quality counselling to students seeking overseas education, guiding them to the appropriate course at recognised universities.
Beginning as the sole presence in the untapped realm of overseas education in Sri Lanka and India, Campus-Abroad has since grown to a global network of affiliates and universities.
At Campus-Abroad, We have guided over 8,000 students - drawn from every strata of Indian and Sri Lankan societies to viable study options across the globe.
Campus-Abroad helps aspiring students to make the right overseas education decisions.
Our expertise in the field of overseas education has made us a time-tested resource in helping students to gain admission for suitable courses in recognised universities across the globe.
At Campus-Abroad, we offer you a time-tested and cost effective gateway that enables a quick admission and smooth immigration process. Our expertise extends to guiding the students through every step of their admission process. From the choice of universities, to applying with discretion to guiding them through immigration procedures.
The best news is that this having left Sri Lanka for their journey shows them part of the selected group of Campus-Abroad 8000 students who have gone on to start their futures in today’s global economy. And, before they knew it, they are International Students, with a world of academic opportunities ahead of them.
Students who wish to go through the gateway to reach the academic prominence:-
E-mail us at campusabroad@sltnet.lk campusabroadlk@gmail.com info@campusabroadlk.com to achieve your career to be a greater future. |