• Last Update 2025-03-14 11:51:00

Citadel of Educational institutions in Sri Lanka: St. Joseph’s College


By: Maruthai Ravindhiran
“126 years of Excellence in Academic, Sports, Spiritual Upliftment and Values"
The College was founded in 1896, on the 2nd March 1896.
“Fruits of Virtue and of Knowledge,
Here we gather , Peace and Power………………….”
An inexplicable joy fills my heart in penning down my thoughts  on the “Hall of Fame, Educational Institute in our Motherland. 

St.Joseph’s College, Colombo 10,  the Hallowed Educational Institution in Sri Lanka, has excelled   far beyond expectations in Producing a galaxy of multi-talented Josephians who are proficient in Education, Sports,  Spiritual life  and Community Service  besides Serving the Motherland  and universe at large since its inception.

Having proven itself throughout the years, the college stands tall as the leading Educational Institution in Sri Lanka. The College, from very inception, has produced exemplary leaders to society. The atmosphere in the institution inspires and encourages students to equip themselves to confront great challenges which help them to stand out from others.  

The motto of the College has always been to uphold excellence in body, mind and spirit, giving priority to value-based education, thus fostering spiritual and human values. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit. 

St.Joseph’s College, Colombo 10 was founded in 1896, on 2nd  March 1896. The architect of this Sacred Institution was the Most Reverend Dr.Christophe- Etienne Bonjean, the first  Archbishop of Colombo. The first Rector was  Very Rev.Fr. Charles Collins.  With his devoted and dedicated staff, within 2 years of their sacrificing labour of love had made St. Joseph’s College, a “ Glorious Educational Institution”.  

The purpose for  which St.Joseph’s was founded was to give Catholic students the best and the highest possible education as per the Motto,  “In Scientia et Virtute”.( In  Knowledge and Virtue). The aims of the founder were not only to impart knowledge but also to help the young Josephians to grow in virtue and to bring out and develop their God – Given talents. The College also encourages Multi-Cultural, Multi-Religious, Multi-Ethnic  and Multi-linguistic environment which  is the need of the hour to our Country at large.

“Innovation and Leadership” are synonyms for our College.

Josephians have created  ideas that changed the way people live, learn, work,pray and play.
With justifiable pride it is recorded that during its glorious existence of 126 years, the College has imparted education in its broad sense thus producing a galaxy of Josephians who are a pride to our beloved Sri Lanka.   

We are at a pivotal point in the Josephians rich history. We are greatly indebted to our past 13 Eminent Rectors, the Eminent Present Rector, Reverend Father Ranjith Andradi and all our distinguished, Laborious  and respected Reverend Fathers, Reverend Sisters, Teachers who have dedicated  their lives in moulding us as good citizens, by inspiring and guiding us  for what we are today, besides Formation of Character.

We are in particular wish to express  our gratitude to all our Eminent Rectors and distinguished teachers who were instrumental in transforming our lives for what we are today and making us to always strive to reach the highest echelons in lives in order to serve our Society.  We are indeed  grateful to all our Reverend Father Rectors and teachers who taught us at our College of excellence.
We can best pay our own debt to our Alma Mater by building a better future for the new generations, on the framework our forebears established.

Let us get together and strive to build a better nation with “Vision and Action”.

In summary, we have learnt to remember better, Learn faster and  excel at the examinations in school and meet the challenges in life successfully. Most importantly, we have gathered  “ Education for Life”. Our great teachers, at all times, made sure to deliver their best in order to transform us in to good citizens. Hence, we were motivated to work for the value of peace, Harmony, forgiveness, brotherhood and love.  They have taught us to be compassionate, God loving, do things wholeheartedly  and to lead a heart – centered Life. They have inculcated the values of Discipline, Determination,

Dedication,diligence, , brotherhood, peace and harmony, implicit faith in our God, hardwork, Devotion, creativity, innovativeness, high standards, punctuality, team work,ethics, Respecting the Superiors, Teachers and Parents and many more values and  formed the unique character in us. They have taught us on Positive thinking and that ‘Winning is an attitude”. The hall mark of our teachers is simplicity besides humbleness and in - depth knowledge, wisdom and mastery.

Further more they have taught us the duties, what I call it as the “Triangle of values”  or the “Triangle of student  duties”-  Respect, Obedience and Responsibility which  indeed we have been fulfilling throughout of our lives.    
We were also taught by the great personalities  to “Colour inside the lines” which has made us to uphold moral, ethical, social,cultural and spiritual values besides being law abiding citizens.
We were taught to be grateful to our Almighty God for the blessings that have been showered upon us and express  our “Gratitude” for those who have helped us in a small or mighty way. Also, we learnt from our distinguished teachers that, “our greatest ethical responsibility is to strive for excellence in everything we do”.
We have also learnt  the Virtues, such as Prudence, benevolence, magnificence, magnanimity, deep honesty, moral courage, compassion and care, fidelity, integrity, friendliness, fairness,
self control, obedience, creative thinking ,good timing and deep selflessness from our teachers and Parents. These  virtues were developed by learning and practicing by Josephians.

Ultimately and eventually the Josephians have gained knowledge, skills, experience, maturity and acquired mastery in their selected area of interest and this is what the world requires from us.  
 “May St.Joseph’s College, Colombo 10, which has maintained the highest Standards in Education, Sports, Discipline and Character building for 126 years, go forward from strength to strength for many more centuries”.

“May this Citadel of Educational Institution for Wisdom and Mastery, continue to be the tower of strength and guiding  star and light to the Josephians  and render its relentless service to many more generations to come, till the mountains disappear”.  

“ St.Joeph dear, who never fails to aid us in every needy hour, we praise and thank thee”.
 (The writer was the former Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of the Blue and White Newsletter Committee of the Old Boys’ Union, an Editorial Board Member of the Centenary and Millennium Blue and White Magazine, the founder President of Josephian Group of ’88 and a former member of the “Association of Josephian Blues”- mravindhiran@gmail.com) 



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