• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

BodyShop.lk launches petition to stop animal testing


The Body Shop.lk launched their petition: ban – animal – testing on at the Hilton, Colombo last week, at the same time as the Body Shop worldwide.

By Sinali Ranwala

The petition aims to gather eight million signatures by 2018 when the Body Shop will take the campaign to the highest authority, the United Nations, and request for an International Convention banning cosmetics testing on animals.

 In 1989, The EU tried to bring in laws to make cosmetic tests on animals compulsory for all cosmetic brands. It was “The Body Shop UK” - then a small enterprise, which since 1976 had been operating without animal testing that protested against it.

In 2017, The Body Shop with Cruelty Free International aims to stop cosmetic tests on animals by 2020 all over the world. At present 80 per cent of countries still use animal testing – an outdated, cruel method. 

Cruelty Free International is widely regarded as an authority on animal testing issues. It has influenced bans in countries including New Zealand, India and South Korea; leading a 20 year old campaign.

Body Shop’s Franchise Account Manager R. De Chernatony speaking at the Hilton event said that this worldwide campaign has been their most ambitious project ever. He hopes that Sri Lankans also would take up the cause with the rest of the world.

 Director, The Body Shop Sri Lanka, Trevor Rajaratnam said, “We are once again reiterating our philosophy that business can be a force for social growth.”

Those interested could sign the petition now by visiting The Body Shop outlets around the island or online at thebodyshop.lk or use their social media accounts with #ForeverAgainstAnimalTesting.




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