• Last Update 2024-06-30 14:24:00

Sattiya classical dance recital by Dr. Meernanda Barthakur at the Indian Cultural Centre


Sattriya, the new form of Indian classical dance from Assam is to be performed by Dr. Meernand aBarthakur on January 30, 2018 at the Indian Cultural Centre,  Colombo.

The Sattiya classical dance recital by Dr. Meernanda Barthakur, talented danseuse  from Assam, India will be performed at 6.00 pm  at the ICC auditorium located at 16/2 Gregory’s Road, Colombo 7.

Dr. Meernanda Barthakur is a noted Sattriya dancer of India  and known  for her unique style of presentation on the stage. She has been learning Sattriya from legendary Gurus Padmashree PushpaBhuyan and Padmashree Jatin Goswami from the tender age of 8 years.

An A grade artist of Prasar Bharati and an empanelled artist of ICCR ,Govt of India, Meernanda has also proved herself in the field of theatre,as lead artist ,earning laurels from the critics, a statement from the Centre said.

A fellow of Ministry of Culture,Govt of India ,Meernanda has a number of treatises and articles to her credit .She has earned bountiful appreciation from the  experts and critics alike for her lecture demonstrations in National Seminars organized by Sangeet Natak Akademi, National School of drama,SPIC MACAY etc.


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