• Last Update 2024-07-17 16:41:00

The art of roasting peanuts with sand



Nestled in the doorway of a stairwell that leads up the side of a building in Wellawatta, next to a busy bus stop you will find the most amazing tasting peanuts.

Not only are they roasted fresh daily and to order but also they are uniquely roasted with sand. Ravi Maharajtha is 46 and has been selling peanuts for the last 7 years in this pitch. His father taught him this method of roasting that in turn was learned from his father. He heats up a large wok and then places sand, which he has gathered from the beach.

The peanuts are then added and tossed around for several minutes. To filter out the sand he uses a wire messed sieve and shiny stainless steel colander. He then packs them in to small paper cones and sells 45 grams for 20 rupees. 

He sells between 15 and 20 kilos a day and can make Rs 2000 profit. People can be seen jumping off buses buying two bundles and quickly getting back on the bus. While interviewing him he is always busy with a sale or chatting with a passer-by.

He often has to move his tray that contains roasted nuts and the night’s takings to let resident’s access to the building; they and he do not seem to mind at all.  He used to work as a postman in the Middle East as well as a waiter in Singapore. 

When he returned he decided to sell peanuts in his neighbourhood to provide for his son and wife, the way his father taught him who also used to sell peanuts a few streets down from his current pitch. He has done really well as he is extremely friendly and clearly loves his job. 

After roasting a fresh batch, he explains that the best way to eat is by rubbing a small amount of nuts in the palm of your hand until the skins fall off, then a slight shake is given to release the skins and then he says this the best way to appreciate the flavour.

Pix and text by Dilantha Dissanayake


peanuts 2 peanuts peanut seller

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