• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

The Day Perahera (Dawal Perehera) of the Kandy Esala Perahera 2017


The day perahera is as anticipated as the Kumbal or Randoli perahera by the young and old alike. Though the procession is shorter than that of Kumbal or Randoli the sheer beauty of magnificent caparisoned tuskers and elephants and the multitude of brightly dressed veteran
and young artists alike add to the climax of the Kandy Esala perahera.

The last Randoli perahera of the Kandy Esala Perahera paraded the streets on 7 th August 2017. On the same night the four devala perahera (Natha, Vishu, Kataragma and Pattini) joined the Dalada Maligawa perahera to proceed to Asgiriya Gedige Viharaya to deposit the Sacred Casket, where all rituals throughout the night and the following morning would be performed there.

This is the only instance where the Sacred Casket is deposited outside the Dalada Maligawa. The auspicious time for the Casket to be handed over to the Diyawadana Nilame Pradeep  Nilanga Dela by the Chief Priest of the Asgiriya Gedige Viharaya Vendaruve Upali Thera was
02.45 pm, thereafter the Sacred Casket was placed on the tusker who proceeded majestically.

 At the end of the Dalada Maligawa perahera the four devala perahera joined the procession.  All processions circle around the Maligawa Chathurasraya (square) three times before returning to their respective devales. The auspicious time for depositing the Sacred Relics was 04.35 pm August 8, 2017.

Text and photos by Himaddrini R. Abayanayake

Showering before the Dawal Perahera

Peramune Rala Performing rituals at Asgiriya Gedige Viharaya

The Diyawadana Nalame & Basnayake Nilames


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