• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

Water's Edge to launch 'Night Kade' for night owls looking to grab a bite in the wee hours


“Night Kade” by Waters Edge is the latest addition to the waterfront hotel’s services. This one is purely for the satisfaction of those who crave Sri Lankan street food at the wee hours of the morning.

According to a statement the 'Night Kade' will be open from 12midnight to 5am Friday and Saturday and till 4am on all other days, the “Night Kade” will serve up traditional favourites such as mouth-watering kottu with a Waters Edge twist.

And then there are the staples like kiribath, roast paan and string hoppers, egg rotti and parata served piping hot with chicken, fish, dhal or potatoes. All these meals come with complimentary pol sambol, kata sambol or seeni sambol.

 Every day at the stroke of midnight the BoardWalk and Bavarian Garden will be transformed to the Night Kade with seating under the stars. The Night Kade will be open from the 21 st of July onwards. For more information please contact Sepa on 0774 358160.

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