• Last Update 2025-03-13 22:24:00

The Gold Medalist at Faurs of the University Peradeniya


By L.B.Senaratne
The Gold Medalist at Faurs of  the University Peradeniya Undergraduate D.V.S.Abeysinghe  as the overall recipient..
The award was presented by Professor Sarath Kodithuwakku, Secretary to the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Nihal Ranasinghe and the Representative of Baurs Ltd - the sponsor of the Medal
Faurs is the platform to showcase the Reserach work of the Undergraduates of the Faculty of Agricuylture of rthe Univerwstiy of Peradeniya.
305 Final year students who compeleted their Research projects  under all three degree programs offered are first evaluted at the respectice Department levesl for the " Scietific contents of trhe Final year Research presentation.
Out of them 27 students were invited for the comp;ettion vbasin on the nominations received from the departments.
Agronomy, Plant Sciences and ecology, Food and Feed technologices and Social sciences and statistics
Gold Medalist D.V.S. Abeysinghe Title was screeen of essential oil compositon and antioxidant activity of oleoresins estacatedfrom the leafves of allspice " pimenta dioica )
.The Chief Guesrt of  'Faurs' was the Secretary to the Minister of Education and Higher Education Nihal Ranasinghe. Keynote Speaker was Nayana Mawilmada Guest Speaker was  Assistant Representative to the Maldives and Sri Lanka of FAO Nalin Munasinghe.
Among those present wereActing Viced Chancellor Terrance Mudhujith  Dean of the Faculty of Agricuture Professor Sarath Kodituwakku, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Professor Anil Pusphkumar, Director of the Post Graduate Institute Professor C.M.B.Dekatawewa, DG of the Department of Agriculture Jayantha illangakoon Manike
Cordinator of the " Faurs " Professor  Ms Warshi Dandeniya and Professor Ms.Pradeepa Bandaranayake.

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