• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

AG Dept urge JSC to consider postponement of cases after secuirty officer tested positive for COVID-19


The Attorney General (AG) department informed the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) that the department premise has been closed after a security officer was tested positive for COVID-19. Accordingly, all officers have been informed to refrain from entering the premises until further notice. The JSC  was urged to consider postponement of cases where the State is party to a suitable date in order for State Counsel to appear in courts.

In a letter to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), Additional Solicitor General Sumathi Dharmawardena, P.C.  said the AG department has been closed until further notice and the SIS has been informed to conduct necessary investigations with regard to contact tracing.

“You will understand that officers of the Attorney General’s Dept. will not be in a position to enter the Department and retrieve their files in order to prepare for their cases and appear in courts,” ASG Dharmawardena said while indicating difficulties for State Counsels in appearing for cases.



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