• Last Update 2024-09-10 12:31:00

Field Marshal Fonseka joins the UNF


The Democratic Party (DP) today entered into an agreement with United National Front (UNF) to work together in the government by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at Prime Minister’s office at  Temple Trees.

Leader of the DP, Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka and United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremasinghe penned the agreement between the two parties. 

Following the exchange of the agreements, the former Army chief said since he had started his political journey with the UNP, and he is happy to take part in the current government in order to serve the people. “Under the leadership of Primer Wickremasinghe, it would not be difficult to work with UNP”

“We started our party’s journey three years ago and now we have decided to continue with the UNP. We don’t seek ministerial posts or favours from the governments even when they were offered to us,” he said.

Prime Minister Wickremasinghe said that with the inclusion of Democratic party, all the parties that have worked to bring the government joined hands in the governance process.

“ We have formed a new political frame work with the DP party, but we will decide later whether to work with them or alone at the next parliamentary elections,” he said. Secretary of the UNP, Habir Hassim said that the nomination of UNP National list post vacated by the demise of M.K.A.D.S .Gunawardene will be decided at the Working Committee meeting on Feb 8.

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