• Last Update 2024-07-18 19:35:00

Fire on oil tanker re-igniting due to sparks - Navy


(UPDATED) The fire onboard MT New Diamond which was doused has re-ignited due to extreme temperature and sparks onboard, the Navy said in a statement today evening.


The Navy said the   disaster management teams were able to douse the fire onboard MT New Diamond by 3.00 p.m. yesterday.


“They have been working in full swing to continue disaster management operations to prevent a recurrence of fire, using fire smothering agents like water and chemicals”, the statement said.

“However, due high winds triggered by prevailing adverse weather condition in the sea area where the distressed vessel has been positioned about 30 nautical miles off Sangamankanda Point, the fire which has already been doused, has re-ignited from the effects of extreme temperature and sparks onboard.”, the Navy added.

Meanwhile, ships, aircraft and tugs belongs Sri Lanka Navy, Sri Lanka Air Force, Indian Navy and Coast Guard other stakeholders are working in collaboration to contain the flames.

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