• Last Update 2024-07-21 12:05:00

Geetha to appeal court ruling on MP post


Galle District MP Geetha Kumarasinghe says she will appeal today's Court of Appeal ruling depriving her of her seat in Parliament. 

Speaking after today's ruling, the MP said her lawyers would file an appeal in the Supreme Court and hoped she could continue to function as an MP until the hearing into her petition is concluded. 

Former Minister Piyasena Gamage, who obtained the next highest number of preferential votes after Ms Kumarasinghe from the Galle District on the United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) ticket, will be sworn in as an MP in the event Ms Kumarasinghe is deprived of her post in Parliament. 

The Court of Appeal today ruled that Ms Kumarasinghe was disqualified from holding her MP post as she held duel citizenship. The Attorney General's Department earlier informed court that Geetha Kumarasinghe held Swiss citizenship.

Under the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, a person holding duel citizenship cannot be an MP.  

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