• Last Update 2024-07-01 00:02:00

GMOA demands information to activate Exit Strategy on Covid 19


The Government Medical  Officers Association (GMOA)  has requested the Health Ministry to provide them with  information on testing done on Covid19 patients  to enable them activate their exit strategy presented to the government early this month.
In a letter to Director General Dr. Anil Jasinghe the organisation charged that the Epidemiology Unit of the  Health Ministry has failed to share it's activities concerning the testing procedures done on Covid 19 afflicted patients.

The letter questioned  the frequency of the Agressive Testing and Rapid Testing  procefures done on patients as recommended by the WHO. Also it requested details on the  mode of testing, capacity of testing and the adequacy of testing done to  prevent the progress of the disease.

It said that although the orgnisation was a stakeholder in combating the Covid 19 spread the Health Ministry has not made it inclusive in the process. (Chrishanthi Christopher )

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