• Last Update 2024-09-01 09:08:00

Largest 2D Seismic Survey for Oil & Gas exploration commence in Sri Lanka


The Seismic Vessel BGP Pioneer, has arrived at Colombo Port to conduct a Modern Broadband 2D seismic Survey for hydrocarbon exploration in the country and the inauguration ceremony to commence the operations was held yesterday under the patronage of Arjuna Ranatunga, Minister of Petroleum Resources Development.

“Our country is a lucky country. We have initially identified that there are natural gas and petroleum resources. Now, we need to concentrate on data acquisition. Earlier projects have not operated properly. We decided to expedite this project after May, last year. We could be able to sign the agreements with transparency within short period. As a result of that ‘BGP pioneer’ vessel will be able to acquire 2D data and we will be able to produce data within 18 months” Minister added further.

Petroleum Resources Development Secretary (PRDS) identified 3 basins which are Mannar, Kaveri and Lanka. These basins are divided as follows. Mannar basin from M-01 to M -10, Kaveri basin from C-1 to C5, Lanka basin from JS -01 to JS-06. ‘BGP Pioneer’ commence their operations in Lanka basin from JS -01 to JS-06.

Director General of PRDS Vajira Dassanayaka stated that total cost of this project will be around USD 9 million. He also stated that credits of bringing this investment to the country goes to Minister Arjuna Ranatunga Sri Lanka.

“The seismic survey, carried out by Eastern Echo DMCC which is a fully owned subsidiary of Schlumberger.These data will then be sent to the Schlumberger office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for processing, followed by a detailed interpretation jointly done by geoscientist from the PRDS and Total to identify potential areas for hydrocarbon accumulations. We expect that we will receive positive data in future” he added.

Secretary to the Ministry of Petroleum Resources Development Upali Marasinghe and several dignitaries were graced the occasion.

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