• Last Update 2024-07-19 12:26:00

Poojas held in HSZ after 28 years


Security Force Headquarters - Jaffna (SFHQ-J) on the directions of Major General Mahesh Senanayake, Commander, SFHQ-J allowed devotees to perform religious observances (annual festival) at Manampirai Pilleyar Temple and Naga Temple in Vasavilan, situated inside the High Security Zone (HSZ) in Palali, Jaffna on account of Maha Shivarathri Day (7) offerings after an absence of 28 years, the Sri Lanka Army noted in a press release. 

Prior to the opening of the passage, 7 Gajaba Regiment and 2 Gemunu Watch troops of the SFHQ-J cleaned the surrounding area of the temples and respective road accesses inside the HSZ.

During conduct of Poojas and religious performances in the festival on Sunday (6) morning, SFHQ-J troops provided facilities to the devotees by way of transport, drinking water, medical and sanitary facilities and all other assistance. Hindu devotees expressed their gratitude to the troops for their cooperation.

Similarly, following instructions of the Commander, SFHQ-J, several Shramadana projects were organized in all areas where Hindu temples are situated with the objective of cleaning the premises on account of the forthcoming Maha Shivarathri commemoration on 7 March.

Arrangements had also been made to assist devotees providing transport, drinking water and sanitary facilities during those Poojas and festivals in different temple locations.


IMG_4733 IMG_4820

Pics courtesy Sri Lanka Army Media Unit

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