• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

Presidential Commission will only add another report - Namal


The Presidential Commission appointed by President Maithripala Sirisena will only be limited to compiling another report, Hambantota District Joint Opposition MP Namal Rajapaksa said.

Speaking during the debate regarding the COPE report into the bond issue, the MP pointed out that the Central Bank, the Employee Provident Fund have both compiled reports into the incident, while two COPE committees have submitted their own reports. "What's the use of another committee to compile another report?" he inquired. 

He also accused that all those who were named as being responsible for the alleged scam were still free, and insisted that Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was among those responsible. 

The ultimate cost of the scam would be borne by the people, who will have to face higher taxes and rising cost of living due to the losses incurred by the bond scam, the MP added. 

He further challenged the Government to arrest Arjun Aloysius. 

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