• Last Update 2024-07-20 13:22:00

Rains bring misery to displaced in Jaffna


The heavy rains experienced in Jaffna these days is heaping misery on people still living in displacement camps and residents who have only recently returned to their original lands. 

The rains have been particularly harsh to inmates living in the Konappulam displacement camp in Valikamam North and those residing in the villages of Wasanthapuram, Niththiyaveli, Suriyaveli and Pommaiveli. Heavy rains have flooded these areas and left most houses water-logged. 

Residents point out that it's now been seven years since the end of the war, but they were still being forced to live in appaling conditions. Most of the houses are also in a very poor state and are in danger of collapse, they further allege. 

Rains have also brought severe health problems to the residents, with the elderly and children being the most vulnerable to water borne diseases. 

Residents urge authorities to heed of their plight. 

Story and Pix by Romesh Madhusanka








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