• Last Update 2024-09-01 16:42:00

SriLankan pilots clarify issue of media leaks



SriLankan Airlines pilots fear they are being accused of leaking to the Sunday Times a report on fatigue among pilots and crew members. The report appeared in these columns last week.

In a bid to dissociate themselves, Captain Ruwan Vithanage, President of the Airline Pilots Guild of Sri Lanka (ALPGSL), has written to SriLankan Chairman Ranjith Fernando.

The report in these columns quoted Civil Aviation Director H M C  Nimalasiri as warning that a considerable percentage of flight and cabin crew members of SriLankan Airlines seemed to be suffering silently from the cumulative effects of residual fatigue which influenced badly on their medical fitness in the long term. Mr Nimalasiri is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Airports Authority of Sri Lanka (AASL).

ALPGSL President Vithanage in his letter said, “We write with reference to the meeting held between the Company, NYRAS and all Union leaders, on the 10th of August 2018 at WTC where there was some media present to cover the same and an article regarding fatigue which was published by the Sunday Times, on the 12th of August 2018.

“We have been made to understand that there has been some speculation that the ALPGSL had organised or initiated the media attention on both occasions and wish to state the following for a better understanding on the stance of the ALPGSL on this matter.

“Whilst reserving our rights as a responsible and independent body representing the welfare of our members, to utilise or communicate with any and all segments of society, media and Government; we wish to place on record that such communications made, or communiqués issued, will be conducted after first and foremost taking into consideration the integrity, image and the best interest of our Airline.

“Therefore, the ALPGSL wishes to categorically state that there has not been any involvement by the ALPGSL EXCO in the above stated incidents of media attention to the Airline.¨

Read more Cafe Spectator

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