• Last Update 2024-10-01 12:25:00

The hidden dangers


The dust has slowly settled after the mayhem and uncertainty of the Presidential election. Now Mother Lanka has a new President and Prime minister. Wish both chief executives the absolute best from us all the citizenry of paradise.  The people live in hope and eagerly await the deliverance day of all promises. Funnily all anti-NPP sentiment is almost vanquished but let’s not kid ourselves the daggers are well hidden.

The President just started driving the bus on a slippery and treacherous road, still pointed toward the horizon of dreams and hopes for us all. Unfortunately, he is driving a vehicle in bad condition simply because the previous owners squandered the money on themselves and ran the coffers dry, the bus paid the price! Maybe the last owner did tinker with the machine and managed to keep it running.

Mr President we believe in you now even though the majority did not on election day.  That universal belief breeds a kind of tranquility and peace , does that convert to a false sense of security? I know we are a nation that mainly believes in the basic doctrine of the Buddha, non-violence and empathy to all, but can we discount the Hidden Dangers?  We need to protect the bus driver and the passengers from highway robbers, they are always in the shadows, dangerous and unseen.

Both our chief executives are devotees at the shrine of simplicity and a no-frills outlook to life. That is lauded by all. We dream of the day a President can drive his car and go marketing at a supermarket the way we all do.  Nevertheless, based on the enormous responsibility you carry on behalf of 22 Million, there may be areas such as personal security that cannot be compromised for belief. When the administration starts cleaning up the barn, there can be many animals that get upset when told to survive in a clean environment. Pigs live in squalor, that’s the only life they know and enjoy. Few Rats will escape from the barn too. Unintentionally will you develop enemies around you? Yes, you will.  Please Mr President protect yourself and the Madam PM from external dangers. It can come from many quarters. The disgruntled with change, and loss of perks they never deserved in the first place, The Mafia that controls many cartels if their tax-free and illegal inflows are disrupted, or maybe even an absolute maniac who strives for personal glory. Trying to take down Trump familiar? Cannot see a danger from a political lens but who knows?  Safety First, the people will be happy to see security around you beefed up a bit more. Not talking of 8-10 vehicle convoys though !

Mr. President your dream and our dream of abolishing the cursed Executive Presidency might not be that easy after all. Believe the plan is to get a 2/3 majority in parliament for the NPP and then you switch the seat easily. The other scenario is that NPP obtain a majority but not a 2/3 majority thus would need help from others to have a successful vote on abolishment. Thirdly let’s not discount the SJB alliance for their island-wide reach, especially after the disruptor has decided to call it a day finally. Should we declare a day of celebration? Theoretically, if the SJB alliance has the most seats in Parliament, SP becomes the PM. Then he is not going to sacrifice his hard-earned 2nd best seat for the sake of the country and to make AKD the PM. So the President will have to hang onto his throne for sure in this scenario. An election manifesto item and dream of all may hinge in the balance.

If we dream of a just society, should we look back at all the unresolved puzzles of the past? Starting with the big one, Easter Sunday carnage, Thajudeen the innocent Rugby player, Lasantha, Ekneligoda the silenced scribes, and the list goes on. The people demand answers and look forward to Justice and closure.   Mr President we await your call. 

Further anybody who robbed our coffers and from state enterprise or directly burdened the country with more debt for personal enrichment must be held accountable via the proper legal process supported with proof and not here say. Everybody knows that long list, no need to expand here. Public Sector waste also is a big ticket item , I would say it is the Elephant in the room. Efficiency and savings in this area can make an enormous contribution to a progressive economy.  Evidence of waste is already collecting on Galle Face green in the form of high end vehicles without owners! That possibly is only the tip of the iceberg.  SL must also develop an honest and committed Public Service workforce that is independent of political winds that blow periodically. India might be a good role model to follow.

A lot to do, and a lot to achieve, let’s get this next election out of the way, elections are very counterproductive to the economy on all fronts.  Sri Lanka and its people are the most resilient and we always bounce back from disasters even though we have not faced a GAZA yet!

 Hope and pray we are at the gates of peace and prosperity for all finally. Maybe the touristic slogan  “ LAND LIKE NO OTHER “ will no longer be a laughing matter.

Lasanthasiri , Baddegana Kotte. 25 Sep 2024

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